PHIL 235 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Genetic Privacy, George Annas, Medical Record

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Recognize that genetic privacy is importantly different from the privacy of other medical information because the information obtained may be directly relevant to the quality and even length of someone else"s life. O(cid:374)e"s ge(cid:374)eti(cid:272) p(cid:396)i(cid:448)a(cid:272)y may be morally breached in order to protect the wellbeing of family members who quite likely share the same portion of the genome. As a result of the disclosure of their hiv status, people living with hiv/aids have been deprived of housing and insurance, lost their jobs, and their family and social relationships have been compromised. People will be less willing to get tested for hiv in the absence of strong privacy protections. It is in the interests of both the public and private sectors. Canadians are unaware of the number of times their health information is disclosed to third parties without their consent. In the 1980 royal commission report on confidentiality of health information, justice.

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