PHIL 220 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Bounded Rationality, Antoine Lavoisier, Phlogiston Theory
Document Summary
Let"s assume: we"re interested in these tow modes of evidence statements, descriptive neutral-actual i. Ex: the difficulty of physics theories is in fact not evidence that they are false, despite nolan"s contrary view. : descriptive neutral-possible i. Understand kitcher"s defenses of objectivism, recall the issue of under- Determination : hypotheses can make very few testable predictions all by themselves. A1: to least something is problematic (h, A2 ) make further determination, you need to appeal to additional standards other than just data and logic: ex: theoretical virtue like the simplicity of the hypothesis, practical utility of the hypothesis . Kitcher on under-determination while weighing multiple evidence claims: two cases, predictively equivalent theories vs, predictively unequal theories. To understand kitcher"s argument against global pud: look at two ideas, metaphysical parameter: i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. Theories differing only by metaphysical parameters: terminological parameter: ii.