PHIL 220 Lecture 21: PHIL 220: Lecture 21

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Main theme from kuhn that we"re pursuing: when there is a scientific revolution from one paradigm to another, what are the. Divide implications into metaphysical & epistemological questions. 1. book was published (1962): one set of reactions were subjective, another set of reactions were objective. c) In the middle was the middle ground: humanities = radical subjectivists, philosophy = objectivists, early 2000s = middle ground became popular (kitcher) Answers to questions that kuhn revived: middle ground is a mix of more modest claims from the extremes. Realism & truth: concerns the correspondence between at least two things. To do this we look at the: things and kinds of truth featuring in scientific language: Representations of external worlds in theories, models, maps, etc: things and kinds of truth in the external world: Especially interested in this question of correspondence when it comes to. Unobservables: two things are separated, external world (or at least an apparent external world):

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