PHIL 210 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Loaded Question, Genetic Fallacy, Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

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Chapter 4: fallacies when arguments turn bad. Logical and quasi-logical fallacies: diagnosed in terms of argument structure. Evidential fallacies: failure to make conclusion reasonable even in inductive or heuristic terms. Procedural or pragmatic fallacies: a matter of how rational exchange is conducted, if it is to be reliable, fertile, etc. Affirming the consequent: if p then q, q. Only if the product is faulty is the company liable for damages. The first premise is equivalent to if the company is liable for damages, then the product is faulty. so the second premise affirms the consequent. Denying the antecedent: if p then q, not p. If love hurts, then it"s not worth falling in love. Thus, it is indeed worth falling in love. Failing to distinguish between, for example: everybody likes somebody, there is somebody whom everybody likes. A woman gives birth in canada every three minutes.

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