HIST 1F95 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Maastricht Treaty, International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia, Marshall Plan

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Collapse of the soviet union communism in 1991: christmas day 1991 = the collapse of communism in the soviet union. By 1991 most soviet citizens realized communism would not make their lives any better, the economy was in free fall and would on get worse after communism. The rise of nationalism new ideology to replace communism: soviet union was large empire. This ultimately led to the peoples voices to be heard in the soviet union. Drops membership in the communist party in the 1990 and this affected elections in russia in july of 1990 and yelsin wins the election and becomes democratic: the republic of russia does not want to be communist. August 1991 on vacation: soviet communists stage a coup d" tats with the head of the kgb where they put gubachev on house arrest this is yelsins finest hour. Yelsin goes out into the street, stands on a tank and defies the hardliners(protestors)

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