CHEM 1P91 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Aufbau Principle, Boron, Pauli Exclusion Principle

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10 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 3 atoms, electrons, and periodic trends. 3. 2 the quantum mechanical model of the atom. Quantum mechanical model of the atom: a model that describes atoms as having certain allowed quantities of energy because of the wave-like properties of their electrons. Uncertainty principle: it is impossible to know both the position and the momentum of an object beyond a certain measure of precision. Orbitals: solved wave functions that describe a region of probable location of electrons. Ground state: the most stable energy state. , describes an orbital"s energy level and size. , describes an orbital"s orientation in space (review all 3 quantum numbers on pages 134 135) Practice problems: page 136 # 1, 2, 4. Together, the size, shape, and position of an orbital represent the probability of finding a specific electron around the nucleus of an atom (figure 3. 16 page 137) Figures 3. 17 & 3. 18 page 139.