CHEM 2513 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Van Der Waals Strain

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109. 5 and all the c- h bonds are perfectly staggered. The boat is less stable than the chair because it has torsional and flagpole strain. Other because they"re so close . which destabilises the conformation not. Axial : attached perpendicular to the plane of ring. Equatorial : lie spread in the plane of the ring. A ring flip is the flip between the axial and equatorial groups . Vander wab by because strain between axial groups . Not dont dash i wedge in chair no angles are. Or draw that them like else it doesnt make sense. I tho , ch3) means every end is when drawing chair. , every bond a methyl . is parallel to. 3 bonds away this is how decide you equatorial bond angles . Same but constitution existing have different arrangements ( all the atoms are bonded to the same atoms ) in space .