PERF219 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Paleoart, Artistic License, Qualitative Inquiry

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PERF219 Lecture Notes Tuesday 20th March 2018
Verbatim and Ethnodrama
Under the Umbrella Applied Theatre
Verbatim Theatre
- Verbatim theatre uses the actual words of people, often in direct first person
address or testimonial style, to raise issues relevant to a particular community and to
activate broader social engagement.
o When theatrically is added, it becomes performance ethnography
- We use verbatim theatre to engage in a wider pedagogical project of consciousness-
raising and community engagement and how, in turn, a groups respond, artistically,
and personally to their provocation.
- The ter erati theatre artiulates a for of theatre hih plaes iteries
ith people at the heart of the proess
- Lida Aloffs otio of the proleati of speakig for others hih has at its
etre a oer ith aoutailit ad resposiilit
- Quicker than writing from your head
- Make sure you adhere to ethics when usig other peoples stories
Working verbatim is not an easy task
- It is challenging not least because there are palpable tensions between the ethical
halleges of dealig ith peoples stories ad the aestheti halleges of reatig
interesting theatre from them.
- Julie Salerso asks ho do theatre orkers egotiate the ultiple resposiilities
of itegrit, iagiatio, ispiratio ad raft?
Modelling Verbatim
- Parramatta girls
o Real life stories of ex-inmates of the Girls Training School, Parramatta
Ethnodrama Unpacked
- A word joining ethnography and drama
o A written play script consisting of dramatized, significant selections of
narrative collected from interview transcripts, participant observation field
notes, journal entries, personal memories/experiences, and/or print and
media artefacts such as diaries, blogs, e-mail correspondence, television
broadcasts, newspaper articles, court proceedings, and historical documents
- Providing an arena for the silent or marginalised stried for authenticity,
transcribing and feeding back to their source communities, through performance,
with some exactitude and respect, life stories and oral history remembrances
garnered from taped interviews
- The alignment of the old art of storytelling with newer technologies like taping, in
order to make a performance script out of the words of the original storytellers
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Document Summary

We use verbatim theatre to engage in a wider pedagogical project of consciousness- raising and community engagement and how, in turn, a groups respond, artistically, and personally to their provocation. The ter(cid:373) (cid:858)(cid:448)er(cid:271)ati(cid:373)(cid:859) theatre arti(cid:272)ulates (cid:862)a for(cid:373) of theatre (cid:449)hi(cid:272)h pla(cid:272)es i(cid:374)ter(cid:448)ie(cid:449)s (cid:449)ith people at the heart of the pro(cid:272)ess(cid:863) Li(cid:374)da al(cid:272)off(cid:859)s (cid:374)otio(cid:374) of (cid:862)the pro(cid:271)le(cid:373)ati(cid:272) of speaki(cid:374)g for others (cid:894)(cid:449)hi(cid:272)h(cid:895) has at its (cid:272)e(cid:374)tre a (cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:272)er(cid:374) (cid:449)ith a(cid:272)(cid:272)ou(cid:374)ta(cid:271)ilit(cid:455) a(cid:374)d respo(cid:374)si(cid:271)ilit(cid:455)(cid:863) Make sure you adhere to ethics when usi(cid:374)g other people(cid:859)s stories. It is challenging not least because there are palpable tensions between the ethical (cid:272)halle(cid:374)ges of deali(cid:374)g (cid:449)ith people(cid:859)s stories a(cid:374)d the aestheti(cid:272) (cid:272)halle(cid:374)ges of (cid:272)reati(cid:374)g interesting theatre from them. Julie sal(cid:448)erso(cid:374) asks (cid:862)ho(cid:449) do theatre (cid:449)orkers (cid:374)egotiate the (cid:373)ultiple respo(cid:374)si(cid:271)ilities of i(cid:374)tegrit(cid:455), i(cid:373)agi(cid:374)atio(cid:374), i(cid:374)spiratio(cid:374) a(cid:374)d (cid:272)raft? (cid:863) Parramatta girls: real life stories of ex-inmates of the girls training school, parramatta.

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