PERF219 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Intertextuality, Dialectic, Applied Drama

PERF219 Lecture Notes Tuesday 13th March 2018
Applied Theatre
Honouring Stories: Authentic Storytelling Paradigms and Possibilities
- Everyone has one
- Applied theatre
o Applying stories is the basis of drama
o In applied theatre, stories can be activated, animated and empowered
- Stories form the very basis of applied theatre performance
- Gathering memories is problematic because
o Memories may not be authentic
o Memories may get interlock
o The patiipat a tell ou soethig the ouldt odiail share
o The participant may not remember telling you
o Memories are tied to the emotion felt at the time – may to be authentic
Applied theatre aims to
- Devise roles and situations and situations that explore the human condition
- To help develop a perspective on the world and to understand or at least struggle
with the perspective of others as we move towards a sense of social justice and
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a transformative encounter that can help change or alter human perceptions of the
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Taylor refers to the diversity of purpose involved in applied theatre, highlighting five area:
- Raising awareness
o e.g. about AIDS, starvation in Africa
- Posing alternatives / teaching concepts
o e.g. lookig at ehaiou pattes as a esult ofte of stuk situatios suh
as gang mentality, peer pressure, substance abuse
o How do we unstick people fo situatios the at get out of?
- Healing psychological wounds / barriers / fractured identities
o e.g. bereavement, post trauma
o Need to have drama-therapy behind you to successfully do this
- An interrogation of human actions / Challenging contemporary discourses
o e.g. homophobia, racism, classism
- Voicing the views of the silent or marginal and change states of oppression
o e.g. bullying, domestic abuse
Being part of applied theatre – considerations
- Participation: Audience participation is critical to the success of the work thus
oppose a mindless state in which instructions must be obeyed, otherwise
participants will be unthinking
- Co-development: Partnership between educators and participants and any project is
developed hand-in-hand
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Document Summary
Applied theatre: applying stories is the basis of drama. In applied theatre, stories can be activated, animated and empowered. Stories form the very basis of applied theatre performance. Devise roles and situations and situations that explore the human condition. Taylor refers to the diversity of purpose involved in applied theatre, highlighting five area: Raising awareness: e. g. about aids, starvation in africa. Healing psychological wounds / barriers / fractured identities: e. g. bereavement, post trauma, need to have drama-therapy behind you to successfully do this. An interrogation of human actions / challenging contemporary discourses: e. g. homophobia, racism, classism. Voicing the views of the silent or marginal and change states of oppression: e. g. bullying, domestic abuse. Participation: audience participation is critical to the success of the work thus oppose a mindless state in which instructions must be obeyed, otherwise participants will be unthinking. Co-development: partnership between educators and participants and any project is developed hand-in-hand.