PERF219 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Intertextuality, Jerzy Grotowski, Essentialism

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PERF219 Lecture Notes Tuesday 6th March 2018
Applied Theatre
- Theatre that takes place outside the theatre
- Audiences can contribute to the process of developing their own stories
- Can be used to reflect on ourselves, understand our place in the world, think about
our future.
- Range of different practices.
- The audience are very central to the process
Where do e fid Applied Theatre? Just aout eerhere …
- Theatre in Education
o Form of theatre that travels to schools predominantly and educates about a
certain issue, idea, or subject
- Popular Theatre
o Modern drama
- Theatre of the Oppressed
o Augusto Boal put together a theatre under an oppressive regime that allowed
people to deal with their psychological issues in a safe environment
o Took place in locatios that ouldt e thought of as theatre suitale
o No magic allowed. At the end of the roll plays they needed to come up with a
solution that was applicable to real life.
- Theatre for Health Education
o Can be used to roll play real life situation and can be used for evaluation
- Theatre for Development
o To inform communities how to take care for themselves
- Community Theatre
- Process Drama
- Theatre for Conflict Resolution and so on
A workable definition?
- Applied theatre is a urella ter … for fidig oetios ad liks for all of us
committed to the power of theatre in making a difference to the human life span. It
can take place in non traditional settings
- Making theatre for evaluation and healing.
- No one definition.
- Participants may or may not be skilled in theatre conventions and techniques and
may come from any social/cultural context.
- Not an all inclusive term no term can be value free we cannot assume that
theatre is a ratified art that an be just applied i a a – depends on cultural
and social contexts may be factual of can be fictional ho it is applied a take
myriad forms!
- Theatre implied an audience but in applied theatre everyone is a PARTICIPANT in
some way never passive
- At times, there is a direct input by a target audience but at other times, theatre can
e fored o ehalf of a target group
o Whether acting, or singing, or telling stories.
Different participative relationships exist:
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Document Summary

Theatre that takes place outside the theatre. Audiences can contribute to the process of developing their own stories. Can be used to reflect on ourselves, understand our place in the world, think about our future. The audience are very central to the process. Theatre in education: form of theatre that travels to schools predominantly and educates about a certain issue, idea, or subject. At the end of the roll plays they needed to come up with a solution that was applicable to real life. Theatre for health education: can be used to roll play real life situation and can be used for evaluation. Theatre for development: to inform communities how to take care for themselves. Theatre for conflict resolution and so on. Applied theatre is a(cid:374) u(cid:373)(cid:271)rella ter(cid:373) for fi(cid:374)di(cid:374)g (cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:374)e(cid:272)tio(cid:374)s a(cid:374)d li(cid:374)ks for all of us committed to the power of theatre in making a difference to the human life span. It can take place in non traditional settings.

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