EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Metacognition, Sensory Memory, Educational Psychology

EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 24th April 2018
Final Lecture
Learning Intensions
- Importance of understanding learning theories for maximum impact in the
classroom teacher
Success criteria
- To have an understanding of learning styles and the impact this has on teaching and
student learning
- Final Assignment discussion
Assignment 3 – Lets unpack it!
- Some type of electronic resource – something to upload
o Eportfolio
- Comment on each resource – this is where the word count comes from
Possible focuses
- Professional brand
o E.g. curriculum vitae
▪ Would need to be focused on getting a job as a teacher
- Educational philosophy statement
o E.g connecting with learning theories and their usefulness
o 21st century skills can build this philosophy
- Type of behaviour management you would use and why
o May have been given one on prac
o Might be able to write to this is how I will manage my classroom when I
become a teacher
- Type of learning theory that resonates with you
- Type of Teaching Style that resonates with you
o What do you favour/do not favour
- Final statement of Contemporary Education
- Why you became a teacher?
- Catholic identity
o How you might represent it
- What challenges do you feel you might experience?
- Youtube video seen in a lecture
o Write to it and connect it to teaching
- Favourite quote and then comment on why
- Emotional intelligence test
o Comment on it
o What did you learn through doing it
o Connect it to teaching
- Pieces of art
o And the connection to creativity in teaching
- Behaviour management policy of prac school
o It is grounded in behaviourism
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find more resources at oneclass.com
Document Summary
Importance of understanding learning theories for maximum impact in the classroom teacher. To have an understanding of learning styles and the impact this has on teaching and student learning. Some type of electronic resource something to upload: eportfolio. Comment on each resource this is where the word count comes from. Professional brand: e. g. curriculum vitae, would need to be focused on getting a job as a teacher. Educational philosophy statement: e. g connecting with learning theories and their usefulness, 21st century skills can build this philosophy. Type of behaviour management you would use and why: may have been given one on prac, might be able to write to this is how i will manage my classroom when i become a teacher. Type of learning theory that resonates with you. Type of teaching style that resonates with you: what do you favour/do not favour. Catholic identity: how you might represent it.