EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Authentic Assessment, Martin Seligman

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EDFX173 Tutorial Notes Tuesday 17th April 2018
Well-being an integrated approach
- New system is putting added pressure on students and teachers
Martin Seligman
- Positive Psychology
- Schools are engaging with PERMA model
Positive Psychology (PERMA model)
- P positive emotion
o Teaching kids to have positive outlook on life
o Resilience
o What are we doing to help students have positive resilience?
- E engagement
o What is the school/teacher doing to engage the student?
o In the classroom?
o Holistically?
o Schools offer a variety of clubs and programs at school so students have a
variety of things to engage with
o What are schools offering to find out who they are?
- R relationships
o Students need 5 close people who are deeply invested in their well-being,
with two particularly close
- M meaning
o There’s a igger eaig i all of this
o Doing things for outside people
o Social justice
- A accomplishment
o How do we help kids feel accomplished and successful?
o How do we help the kow what they’re suessful at?
o How do we help them to plan at being successful?
Implementing well-being in schools
- You need to monitor the effects of well-being in schools
- It is not enough to just make the program without measuring its effectiveness
- Teachers need to be engaged in the program themselves, or the students will see
through it and not be impacted by it
- The most effective well-being programs are ones that schools create themselves, as
each school is different
What is authentic assessment?
- A bit about real life assessment
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Document Summary

New system is putting added pressure on students and teachers. R relationships: students need 5 close people who are deeply invested in their well-being, with two particularly close. M meaning: there"s a (cid:271)igger (cid:373)ea(cid:374)i(cid:374)g i(cid:374) all of this, doing things for outside people, social justice. You need to monitor the effects of well-being in schools. Teachers need to be engaged in the program themselves, or the students will see. It is not enough to just make the program without measuring its effectiveness through it and not be impacted by it. The most effective well-being programs are ones that schools create themselves, as each school is different.

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