EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Freddo, Goal Setting, Peer Pressure

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EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 17th April 2018
Teaching Adolescents
Learning Intensions
- Importance of understanding learning theories for maximum impact in the
classroom as teacher for adolescents
Success Criteria:
- To have an understanding of learning styles and the impact this has on teaching and
the studets’ leaig
- To have an understanding of the State requirements in the new system and how it
impacts learning and teaching
- To have an understanding of assessment, state requirements and how this impacts
learning and teaching
- Final Assignment discussion
New QCE System that you will be teaching
21st century skills
- The new curriculum will be based on 21st century skills
- Preparing kids for the modern world
What’s diffeet ith the e system?
- ATAR System
- No OP
- No QCS test
- External Exams
- Assessment at the end of every term worth 25% and then exam worth 25% except
for maths and science its worth 50%
- Grade point scale from 99.95-0 in steps of 0.05
- E.g. Top 30 students in state will receive 99.95, next 30 will get 99.90 and so on
What’s diffeet …. Assesset
- Assessment is a tool used to identify the progress of student learning
- Should happen frequently end of each lesson/beginning of each lesson
- Informs the teacher what to plan
- Should improve teaching
- Standardised testing NAPLAN, QC“ et … i e syste EXTERNAL EXAM“
- Foatie Assesset: Fos the studets … little uizzes, oksheets, little tests,
- Summative Assessment: Indicates standards achieved by the student report cards
official pieces for QCAA moderation
Adolescence: A Recap
- Social constructed
- Puberty
- Risk-Takig
- Growing autonomy and independence
- Life choices employment etc.
- Development of abstract and critical thinking
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Document Summary

Importance of understanding learning theories for maximum impact in the classroom as teacher for adolescents. To have an understanding of learning styles and the impact this has on teaching and the stude(cid:374)ts" lea(cid:396)(cid:374)i(cid:374)g. To have an understanding of the state requirements in the new system and how it impacts learning and teaching. To have an understanding of assessment, state requirements and how this impacts learning and teaching. New qce system that you will be teaching. The new curriculum will be based on 21st century skills. Assessment at the end of every term worth 25% and then exam worth 25% except for maths and science its worth 50% Grade point scale from 99. 95-0 in steps of 0. 05. Top 30 students in state will receive 99. 95, next 30 will get 99. 90 and so on. Assessment is a tool used to identify the progress of student learning. Should happen frequently end of each lesson/beginning of each lesson.

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