EDFX173 Lecture 7: Challenging Behaviours

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EDFX173 Tutorial Notes Tuesday 27th March 2018
Challenging Behaviours
- Most schools will have a dean of students someone who deals with challenging
- Schools will have different behaviour management plans
In your class, have you:
- Fulfilled basic requirements (Maslow)
o Created a safe and positive environment
- Build confidence positive expectations
- Illustrate relevance show value of learning
- Show you care individually invert in each student
Challenging Behaviours in Secondary Schools
- Hyperactivity
- Anxiety
- Lack of self-control
- Depression
- Withdrawal
- Aggression
What causes?
- Psychological and physiological factors
- Economic and family pressures
- Bullying and social pressures
- Negative schooling experiences
Role of the Teacher
- Be reflective and honest
- Build relationships
- Develop supportive and enabling learning tasks
- Develop supportive and appropriate behaviours model the way
Implementing Learning Focused Behaviour Management
- What are the functions of the behaviour?
- Is the behaviour related to your learning tasks?
- Are there any warning signs?
- Are there wider issues?
Functions of Challenging Behaviour
- Students want social reinforcement tangible reinforcement
- Students want to avoid the task and the situation
- Student communicates lack of understanding and boredom
- Student want control over their learning
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