EDFD177 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Numeracy, Emotion Classification, Work Ethic

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EDFD177 Lecture Notes Friday 25th May 2018
Agenda/Topics to be covered
- Productive classroom environments
- Assessment what and how?
- The role of parents
- Being a reflective teacher
- Milestones of development
- Collaborative learning/peer learning
- Theories and equity
Productive Learning Environments
- Developmentally enriching schools provide:
o Sense of community
o Organisation
o Classroom management/Behaviour management
Some children like discipline
o Planning spaces for learning
o Affirmative socialisation messages
o Sensitivity to developmental transition
o Positive role models
Sense of Community
- One of the biggest protective factors
- Classroom climate
- Instructional methods
- School traditions
o Makes people feel like they belong
- Assessment
o Appealing
Assessets many purposes
- To find out what people know
- To find out how we should teach
- For government
o Not good assessets, dot aout for learig differees
- Funding requires assessment to indicate how schools are meeting benchmarks
- Alays thik aout hy youre assessig, hat youre assessig ad if the
assessment is suitable
- High stakes assessment
o Government
Results encourage competitiveness and can increase house value in
the area
- Summative
o At the end
o Can provide knowledge of what people know, but cannot be used to evaluate
teaching methods
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- Formative
o Best kind. Gives indicators at every point in the course
- Classroom
- Individual
- Psychological
- Group
Examples of High Stakes
- Years 3,5,7, and 9
- Schools tend to teach towards the test
- Isolates a skill the orst ay to teah as it doest get geeralised.
o Unable to use skill in single setting
Teahers eed to…
- Prepare to be accountable for your decisions
o Need to be able to explain to someone else
- Be strong enough to negotiate with learners
- Need to be able to explain results to parents and learners when necessary
Educative Assessment
- Good assessment used for improvement of curriculum, our teaching, and their
o Giving good feedback
- Assessment supports learning of all people
o Parents, learners, and teachers
- Lets the ko hat theyre eig assessed o
- Portfolio assessment
o Series of samples that show progression in learning
o Allows the gathering of samples that show improvement rather than a single
test on a single day
o Interactive
- Performance assessment
- Project assessment
Digital portfolios
- Digital portfolios are a way of capturing AUTHENTIC material and include:
o Multimedia presentation of evidence of achievement
o Ca e stored o laptop oputers, ZIP disks, CDs, USBs or plaed o a web
server for access by a wide audience
- Documentation and storage
- Portfolio as a workspace
- Presentation and showcase
- About process and product
- Allows children to take ownership if their learning
The Influence of Parents
- Parents need to feel welcomed
- Entitled to know about how their child is learning academically and socially
- Honest and open communication
- Parents can help set goals for their students
Reporting to Parents
- Student led conferences
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Document Summary

Developmentally enriching schools provide: sense of community, organisation, classroom management/behaviour management, some children like discipline, planning spaces for learning, affirmative socialisation messages, sensitivity to developmental transition, positive role models. Instructional methods: makes people feel like they belong. To find out how we should teach. For government: not good assess(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts, do(cid:374)(cid:859)t a(cid:272)(cid:272)ou(cid:374)t for lear(cid:374)i(cid:374)g differe(cid:374)(cid:272)es. Funding requires assessment to indicate how schools are meeting benchmarks. Al(cid:449)ays thi(cid:374)k a(cid:271)out (cid:449)hy you(cid:859)re assessi(cid:374)g, (cid:449)hat you(cid:859)re assessi(cid:374)g a(cid:374)d if the assessment is suitable. High stakes assessment: government, naplan, results encourage competitiveness and can increase house value in. Summative the area: at the end, can provide knowledge of what people know, but cannot be used to evaluate teaching methods. Gives indicators at every point in the course. Schools tend to teach towards the test. Isolates a skill the (cid:449)orst (cid:449)ay to tea(cid:272)h as it does(cid:374)(cid:859)t get ge(cid:374)eralised: unable to use skill in single setting.

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