EDFD177 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Future Orientation, Anger Management, Intellectual Disability

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EDFD177 Lecture Notes Friday 4th May 2018
Social/Emotional Development and Resilience
Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional intelligence is an ability to recognise the meanings of emotions and their
relationships, and to reason and problem solve on this basis
- Self-regulate them
- Builds o Gardeers ork
- Difficulties in measuring Emotional Intelligence
Focus on mental health
- Mental health a holistic sense of wellbeing
- Good mental health and wellbeing allows us to enjoy a quality of life and caring
- A sense of connectedness to families and school is the most significant protective
factor for young people
- Poverty, alcohol and violence, sense of family are risk factors
- Protective factors minimise impact of risk factors
o Belonging to a club
o A sense of connectedness
Benefits for schools
- Whe studets etal health is prioritised, shools are ore likel to ahiee
o Higher rates of academic success
o Fewer classroom behaviour problems
o Students feel connected and engaged in learning
o Higher levels of staff satisfaction
o Reduced special education referrals
Extent of the mental health problem
- Nearly one in five children and adolescents will have an emotional or behavioural
problem at some time
- 10% of children will have significant mental health difficulties (e.g. anxiety)
- 3% of school-aged children already suffer from serious mental illnesses (e.g. serious
depression, obsessive compulsive disorder)
- Resilience is the ability to bounce back, recover from, or adjust to misfortune or
- Resilience is what gives people the psychological strength to cope with stress and
- What does the otio of resiliee ea to ou?
Definitions of resilience
- Emotional and spiritual resilience which enables us to enjoy life and survive pain,
disappointment and sadness. It is a positive sense of wellbeing and an underlying
elief i our o ad others digit ad orth
- Resilience can be viewed as the happy knack of bungy jumping through the pitfalls of
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Cognitivebehavioural therapy
- If we change the way we think, then we can change the way we feel and act
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is used for anger management, depression and
o Encourages children to think about what they have done, why it is wrong,
and what can be done differently next time
- Promotes optimistic thinking
- Underpins positive psychology
Schools as a protective factor
- For some students, school may be the one environment where they have access to
reliable, trustworthy adults who believe in them and care for them
Children and Youth At-Risk
- Child abuse
- Risky Business
- Eating Disorders
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Depression
- Suicide
Risk Factors
- ‘isk is defied as a ifluee that ireases the likelihood of the oset of a
problem, maintains a problem, or leads to the worsening of a problem
- Rather than focussing on children who were casualties of negative factors, some
students focussed on those children who did not develop problems around 2/3rds
of at-risk hildre do OK
- What is it about these children and their circumstances that enables them to achieve
positie life outoes despite eposure to risk?
- What promotes wellbeing?
Protective factors
- Research indicates that three protective factors are:
- Family connectedness
- Having a diversity of friendships
- Knowing there is a trustworthy adult outside the family who can provide support
Risk and protection the individual
- Risk factors include
o Temperament
o Physical and intellectual disabilities
o Poor social skills
o Alienation
- Protective factors include
o Social competence
o Problem solving capacity
o Optimism and a sense of purpose
Risk and protection the family
- Risk factors include
o Parental mental illness
o Substance abuse
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Document Summary

Emotional intelligence is an ability to recognise the meanings of emotions and their relationships, and to reason and problem solve on this basis. Mental health a holistic sense of wellbeing. Good mental health and wellbeing allows us to enjoy a quality of life and caring relationships. A sense of connectedness to families and school is the most significant protective factor for young people. Poverty, alcohol and violence, sense of family are risk factors. Protective factors minimise impact of risk factors: belonging to a club, a sense of connectedness. Whe(cid:374) stude(cid:374)ts(cid:859) (cid:373)e(cid:374)tal health is prioritised, s(cid:272)hools are (cid:373)ore likel(cid:455) to a(cid:272)hie(cid:448)e: higher rates of academic success, fewer classroom behaviour problems, students feel connected and engaged in learning, higher levels of staff satisfaction, reduced special education referrals. Nearly one in five children and adolescents will have an emotional or behavioural problem at some time. 10% of children will have significant mental health difficulties (e. g. anxiety)

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