HIST209 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Armistice Of 11 November 1918, David Lloyd George, Ottoman Empire

HIST209 Lecture Notes Monday 14 May 2018
A ast gruesoe otest of systeatised destrutio: World War I as ‘eolutioary
Why a revolutionary experience?
- More destructive than earlier wars
o And lengthy
- Destroyed four huge empires
o Ottoman empire
o German empire
o Austro-Hungarian empire
o Russian empire
- Created shifts in European life
- Established new political order in Russia
- Total ar
o All of society mobilised for the war effort
- Advancement of technology
- Transformed the nature and execution of war
- Transformed the way states conducted diplomacy
War Figures
- About 6,000 people killed each day for more than 1,500 days
- In more than 4 years, at least 74 million soldiers mobilised
- Of 48 million who served in Allied armies, 18 million casualties
- Approx. 8.5 million men killed and 22 million wounded
- Some countries relied on volunteer servicemen, others could sustain their army
without civilian contribution
- The radical loss of men changed the demographic of Europe
o Impacted the labour force
o Allowed women to fill the gap
Prolongation of the War
- How was the war sustained for so long?
1. New allies and resources maintained the war effort
o Oct 1914, Turkey joined Central powers
o May 1915, Italy joined Allied powers
o 1916, Bulgaria joined Germany
o Romania the Allies
o Britain could draw on resources of its empire
o Russia ill-equipped for modern warfare
2. Triuph of kok-out lo politis
o Dec 1916, Lloyd George became British PM
o Nov 1917, Clemenceau became French PM
▪ Wanted to push until the enemy was total defeat
o Hindenburg and Ludendorff appointed to German High Command in Aug
▪ Same objectives as the Entente leaders
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Document Summary
Hist209 (cid:858)a (cid:448)ast grueso(cid:373)e (cid:272)o(cid:374)test of syste(cid:373)atised destru(cid:272)tio(cid:374)(cid:859): world war i as e(cid:448)olutio(cid:374)ary. More destructive than earlier wars: and lengthy. Destroyed four huge empires: ottoman empire, german empire, austro-hungarian empire, russian empire. Established new political order in russia (cid:858)total(cid:859) (cid:449)ar: all of society mobilised for the war effort. Transformed the nature and execution of war. In more than 4 years, at least 74 million soldiers mobilised. About 6,000 people killed each day for more than 1,500 days. Of 48 million who served in allied armies, 18 million casualties. 8. 5 million men killed and 22 million wounded. Some countries relied on volunteer servicemen, others could sustain their army without civilian contribution. The radical loss of men changed the demographic of europe. Impacted the labour force: allowed women to fill the gap. 1914: rapid advancement by germans, then defeat at battle of the marne; stalemate thereafter. 191(cid:1009): tre(cid:374)(cid:272)h (cid:449)arfare; atte(cid:373)pts (cid:271)y ge(cid:374)erals to e(cid:374)d stale(cid:373)ate i(cid:374) (cid:858) pri(cid:374)g offe(cid:374)si(cid:448)es(cid:859)