HIST209 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Ems Dispatch, Otto Von Bismarck, Authoritarianism

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HIST209 Lecture Notes Monday 9th April 2018
Blood appeas to e a speial elii: Liealis, Natioalis ad Natio Buildig i Euope,
- Uifiatio though lieal auspies: the ase of Ital Risorgimento
- Revival of Italian identity
- Unification through conservative and nationalist auspices: the case of Germany
- The unification of Italy was founded in liberal ideals: a united but progressive Italy
- The unification of Germany was forced. Led by Prussian might and ideals of how the
nation should look
o Pussia had a eputatio of poe politis
Unification of Italy: Mazzini
- Much of the drive of the unification of Italy came from Piedmont
- Over time, many of the Italian States allied themselves with the ideals of Piedmont
- Unification of Italy spearheaded by Giuseppe Mazzini, Count Camillo di Cavour, and
Giuseppe Garibaldi
o All from Piedmont
o All Liberal
o Mazzini: revolutionary active
- Mazzii: eolutioa ad foude i  of Youg Ital oeet
o A mission to depose the monarchs of the Italian states and institute republics
o Would it be united under a single king?
o Would they use a constitutional monarchy?
o Would they become a republic?
- Mazzini believed successful revolution must come from below, but in 1848 this
failed; agitated from exile for federal republic
o Attempting to create a place where people feel they belong to something
worthwhile in a time of change and that people have an attachment to.
Unification of Italy: Cavour
- Cavour, Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, a practitioner of Realpolitik
o Realpolitik: pusuit of a atios self-interest based on realistic assessment
of the osts ad oseuees of atio
o Cavour made negotiations with surrounding other Italian states
- Modernisation of Kingdom of Piedmont
o Cavour responsible for modernising economy, agriculture through agrarian
technique reforms and the government introduced and improved
- Alliance between Piedmont and France
o Cavour was a diplomate and key at making alliances
o Diplomatic ties with France was very important in future wars
- 1859: war between Piedmont and Austria
o Backed by French forces remained in Italy for some years after
o Confined Austrians to Venetia
- Unification of the northern states of Italy
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Document Summary

Hist209 (cid:858)blood appea(cid:396)s to (cid:271)e a spe(cid:272)ial eli(cid:454)i(cid:396)(cid:859): li(cid:271)e(cid:396)alis(cid:373), natio(cid:374)alis(cid:373) a(cid:374)d natio(cid:374) buildi(cid:374)g i(cid:374) eu(cid:396)ope, U(cid:374)ifi(cid:272)atio(cid:374) th(cid:396)ough li(cid:271)e(cid:396)al auspi(cid:272)es: the (cid:272)ase of ital(cid:455) (cid:894)(cid:858)risorgimento(cid:859)(cid:895) Unification through conservative and nationalist auspices: the case of germany. The unification of italy was founded in liberal ideals: a united but progressive italy. Led by prussian might and ideals of how the nation should look: p(cid:396)ussia had a (cid:396)eputatio(cid:374) of (cid:858)po(cid:449)e(cid:396) politi(cid:272)s(cid:859) Much of the drive of the unification of italy came from piedmont. Over time, many of the italian states allied themselves with the ideals of piedmont. Unification of italy spearheaded by giuseppe mazzini, count camillo di cavour, and. Giuseppe garibaldi: all from piedmont, all liberal, mazzini: revolutionary active. Cavour, prime minister of piedmont-sardinia, a practitioner of realpolitik: realpolitik: (cid:862)pu(cid:396)suit of a (cid:374)atio(cid:374)(cid:859)s self-interest based on realistic assessment of the (cid:272)osts a(cid:374)d (cid:272)o(cid:374)se(cid:395)ue(cid:374)(cid:272)es of a(cid:272)tio(cid:374)(cid:863, cavour made negotiations with surrounding other italian states.

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