HIST209 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Decembrist Revolt, Philosophes, Carbonari

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HIST209 Lecture Notes Monday 19th March 2018
Restoration Europe and the Resurgence of Liberalism
- A reaction to the Napoleonic era of Europe
- In countries around France that have been affected by Napoleon
- I the asee of Napoleos ifluee, the monarchs of the surrounding countries
re-took the throne and sought to exert the same presence and influence as
- For a i Frae, Napoleos eile ad defeat as a freedo.
- Some tried to restore the old order
Liberalism and nationalism vs conservatism
- Liberalism and nationalism: Revolutionary and emancipatory ideologies
o Propelled by the revolutionary force sweeping across Europe
o Still alued despite Napoleos ifluee
o People regarded these as irreversible
- Impact of Napoleonic era: Made restoratio of old order ore diffiult
o Peoples e as of thikig ade restoratio diffiult
o People had become accustomed to these ideals for which many had fought
and died
- Protracted struggle between conservatives and liberals over ensuing decades
- Not all saw the revolutionary model as ideal
- Conservatism: conserving the best elements of the past to create stability
o Many who decried revolution, resisted it and sought the reinstatement of a
more traditional order
Liberal and nationalist principles
- Once many people experienced these new rights of participatory citizenship, they
didt at to reert
- Ma are legaies of Napoleos tie
- The restoration aimed to get rid of these principles traces of Napoleon
o Valued the individual
o Capitalist free pursuit of individual profits
o Freedom of conscience and opinion
o Property rights
o Faith in science and reason
o Careers open to talent
o Advancement of education
o Equality under the law
o Sovereignty of the people
o Limited suffrage
Congress of Vienna
- Victorious powers met in 1814-1815
- Leading figure: Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria
- Aims:
o Guard against future French aggression
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