HIST209 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Absolute Monarchy, Aristocracy, Immanuel Kant

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HIST209 Lecture Notes Monday 26th February 2018
The Long 19th Century
Title picture
- Main lady represents (named Marianne) the French version of Lady Liberty.
- Way she is dressed is a representation of freedom.
The Long 19th Century
- Overview:
o French Revolution (1798) to the First World War (1914-1918)
- Wh eolutioa Euope?
o Revolution is a consistent theme
- Phrase coined by Hobsbawm
Hobsbawm and the Long 19thC
- Ei Hosa helped oi the phase log ieteeth etu
- Refers to a particular historical era
- French Revolution in 1789 defines the next 125 years for Europe and the world
French Revolution
- Revolution in France:
o Brings an end to absolutism
o Ends feudalism
o Tasitios old fo old to e
o Ushers in new era of popular movements
French Revolution and the new era
- New ideologies
- New economic system: Capitalism
- New state: More centralised
- New social order
Consistent Themes
- Revolution
- Ideologies
- Changing political geography of Europe
- Continuities
- 1789 to mid-19thC
o Period of intense revolutionary activity
- “tats ith Feh ‘eolutio, ut goes ial to othe pats of Euope
- Mid-to-late-19thC:
o Revolutionary activities decrease
- Long 19thC witnesses unprecedented change
- Revolutionary fever spread like a virus during this time
- Iss ae ideologies
- Ideologies underpin revolution
- Used to oilise people, oeets
- Ideologies dominant in this period
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Document Summary

Main lady represents (named marianne) the french version of lady liberty. Way she is dressed is a representation of freedom. Overview: french revolution (1798) to the first world war (1914-1918) Wh(cid:455) (cid:858)(cid:396)e(cid:448)olutio(cid:374)a(cid:396)(cid:455)(cid:859) eu(cid:396)ope: revolution is a consistent theme. E(cid:396)i(cid:272) ho(cid:271)s(cid:271)a(cid:449)(cid:373) helped (cid:272)oi(cid:374) the ph(cid:396)ase (cid:862)lo(cid:374)g (cid:374)i(cid:374)etee(cid:374)th (cid:272)e(cid:374)tu(cid:396)(cid:455)(cid:863) French revolution in 1789 defines the next 125 years for europe and the world. Revolution in france: brings an end to absolutism, ends feudalism, t(cid:396)a(cid:374)sitio(cid:374)s (cid:449)o(cid:396)ld f(cid:396)o(cid:373) (cid:858)old(cid:859) to (cid:858)(cid:374)e(cid:449)(cid:859, ushers in new era of popular movements. 1789 to mid-19thc: period of intense revolutionary activity. Ta(cid:396)ts (cid:449)ith f(cid:396)e(cid:374)(cid:272)h e(cid:448)olutio(cid:374), (cid:271)ut (cid:858)goes (cid:448)i(cid:396)al(cid:859) to othe(cid:396) pa(cid:396)ts of eu(cid:396)ope. Revolutionary fever spread like a virus during this time. Pre-modern european aspects continue throughout this period: absolute monarchy, clergy and religion, aristocracy, land and wealth, peasantry, lack of progress in some parts. Demand for reform and universal male suffrage by the british people.

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