PSYCH 130 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9.6: Emergentism, Object Relations Theory, Rote Learning

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Small, set of built in fixed principles not sufficient to account for varied, flexible manner in which children master vocab. Many word learning strategies cannot be innate b/c different languages require different approaches. Emergentist coalition model: word learning strategies emerge out of children"s efforts to decipher language. Draw on a coalition of cues (perceptual, social and linguistic) that shift in importance with age. First rely only on perceptual cues then increasingly attend to social cues development of language allows use of linguistic cues. Telegraphic speech: two word utterances produced when productive vocab reaches. Focus on high content words and omit smaller, less important ones. For languages that emphasize word order (e. g. english and french), endings like -s and. For languages in which word order is flexible and small grammatical markers are stressed, children"s first sentences include them from the start.

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