ENVT 0845 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: United Nations Environment Programme, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Sea Level Rise

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Meeting the needs of the present in an equitable and fair fashion without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Earth day, hope day: earth day april 22, celebrated worldwide, highlight environmental issues. Biodiversity crisis: diversity important for ecosystem function, animal and plant species disappearing. Earth"s average temperature up 1 c (1. 8 f: due to human activities. Humans are the problem: human population growing rapidly. Up threefold in past 75 years: human resources use growing even faster. More than half of the fresh water flowing across earth surface is diverted by canals and dams. World wealthiest people using large amount of resources. Sustainability . : sustainability maintaining the ability to accommodate three important sources of change. The world is changing: environments are under constant change. We are changing: technology changes our needs for ecosystems services. We are changing the world: human impacts alter the environment.

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