BIOL 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Lactic Acid, Archaea, Electrochemical Gradient

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22 Apr 2014

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6. 1 the chemical basis of cellular respiration: glucose, like gasoline, is a good fuel because of the presence of c h bonds. Contains electrons that can be easily removed and used to do the work: redox reactions partially transfer electrons from donor to acceptor electrons. Oil rig donor is oxidised and acceptor is reduced: cellular respiration the process of transferring electrons from donor organic molecules to a final acceptor molecule such as oxygen; redox reaction. The energy that is released drives atp synthesis. Almost all organisms obtain energy for cellular activities; plants undergo it as well. C6h12o6 + 6o2 6co2 + h2o + atp + heat. 6. 2 cellular respiration: an overview: glycolysis. Glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvate: pyruvate oxidation & the citric acid cycle. Pyruvate is converted into an acetyl compound that is oxidized completely to co2: oxidative phosphorylation (op)

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