Health Sciences 3050 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Culpable Homicide, Tracheotomy, Unconscionability
Document Summary
Dnr orders: hcp may issue dnr if resuscitation is medically inappropriate, but may need consent to some degree, jm (re) 12-month-old in vegetative state, no prospect of recovery. Docs wanted to remove intubation and issue dnr. Parents wanted tracheostomy to allow boy to die at home, would involve risks and discomfort and threaten qol, docs applied to ccb. Ccb decided that after 3 months of suffering boy deserved to die in dignity. In carter v. canada, scc struck down ss. 241 and 14 in physician-assisted dying in specific circumstances: parliament enacted bill c-14, repealed and replaced ss. 14 and 241 and amended culpable homicide provisions. Bill c-14: patient must be capable and 18, make voluntary request, and provide informed consent, must have grievous and irremediable medical condition to include, serious and incurable illness, disease or disability causing intolerable suffering that cannot be relieved. Independent adults: 10 days to think through decision, patient given opportunity to withdraw consent immediately before death.