BIO205H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9-15: Brood Parasite, Morphine, Thermoregulation
Document Summary
Closed: ^ do not occur or are minimal. =per capita birthrate d= per capita death rate (proportion of hydra dying at per unit of time) N(t+^t) = n(t) + bn(t)^t dn(t)^t. Steady increase in population, typical in closed population with low densities and no resource limitations. dn/dt = (b-d)n , describes rate of change d rep the fact that ^t (time interval) approaches zero. Rate of growth r= instantaneous per capita growth rate. Intrinsic rate of increase: difference between instantaneous per capita rates of birth and death. Population growth over time: n(t) = n(0)ert [n0; initial population when t=0, r>0 then increase in population. r is always increasing. However if rate of growth expressed as function of n, then slope is equal to r (dn/dt = rn : limits pop. growth) Positive exponential growth occurs is favorable environments where resources are not limiting, system is closed and low densities.