SOCI 211 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Informed Consent

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Participation in a social experiment disrupts the subject"s regular activities. No one should be forced to participate. The ethical norms of voluntary participation and no harm to participants have become formalized in the concept of informed consent. Informed consent: which research subjects base their voluntary participation in a study on a full understanding of the possible risks involved. Example: for a medical experiment: will be discussed with all the possible risks to themselves, will be required to sign a statement indicating they are aware of the risks and choose to participate anyways. Confidentiality: a respondent is guaranteed confidentiality when the researcher can identify and given person"s response but promises not to do so publicly. The two terms are not interchangeable (researchers should never use the term anonymous to mean confidential) Deception: sometimes it is useful and even necessary to identify yourself as a researcher to those you want to study.

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