IHS 4504 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Randomized Controlled Trial, Postpositivism, Scientific Method

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Client/ patient values: founder of ebp, dr. david sackett, 5 steps in the process of ebp, 1. Connect the dots to a series of related topics: 3. Identify the central issues: define the steps in conducting a literature review, 1. Begin by identifying key words that will be helpful when researching topic in an academic library: 2. Search using journals, books, databases using the keywords related to your topic: 3. Initially, try to locate 50 reports of research related to your topic: determine if these articles exist in your school library, 4. Skin this initial group of reports and try to obtain a sense if it will make useful contribution to your understanding of the literature: 5. Design a literature map- a visual picture that illustrates how you study will contribute to the literature: 6. Draft summaries of the most relevant articles as you put together your literature map.