BU208 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Exam Guide - Time, Ford Focus, Business Communication

216 views33 pages
20 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Lecture 2: employers expect entry-level employees to: Did you give them all the data necessary or force them to want more: comprehensive, style, organization and visual impact of the message- organized neatly, not just writing words, but also for appearance and aesthetics. Introvert (get energy from within: how one gathers information, sensing vs intuition, sensing- gathers information systematically. Informational messages: focus on content- the problem, or challenge, data, and possible solutions, procedural messages, focus on method, process, who will do what, how decisions will be made, and so on. Informational leaders: generate and evaluate ideas and text. We are most happy to enclose a photo of the laptop/tablet/smart phone that we recently sold you or appraised for you. We feel that this added service, which we are happy to extend to our fine customers, will be useful should you want to ensure your laptop/tablet/smartphone. We trust you will enjoy this additional service.

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