BU208 Study Guide - Fall 2018, Comprehensive Midterm Notes - Time, Ford Focus, Business Communication

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11 Oct 2018
Fall 2018
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BU208- WEEK 1
What is business communications?
o Business communication is an effective and efficient way to advance the day-
to-day tasks involved in business dealings
o Business communication requires a specific style that enables individuals to
easily access information- clearly, completely, accurately.
Question: why do we communicate?
o We communicate to connect- we are all connectors; we need people, in the
business world we need each other.
Communicate most successfully when we:
o Consider the results we want
o Adapt our message to meet the needs of our audience
What do you include in the form of communication?
Easy going, laid back, or right to the point?
Essay, bullets, white space
Person, email, attachment
Two types of communication conventions?
o Oral, nonverbal
Examples- Face to face, telephone, electronic and in-person meetings
Style- Language, eye contact, facial expressions and body language
Tone- Friends and polite
o Written
Examples- Email memos and letters, hardcopy memo and letters,
websites, internet, texts, and social media
Style- Concrete language, short sentences and paragraphs, white
space, headings, bullets and lists
Tone- Polite but neutral
How is business communication different than non-business communication?
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Primary purpose of business communication?
o Build goodwill
o Create a positive image
o Goal- do business with yours
What employable skills will you need?
o Fundamental skills
Manage information
Use numbers
Think and solve problems
o Personal management skills
Demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
Looking from the bright side, people want to work with
positive people (time to self reflect?)
Thought about the problem, what do you think we can do
about it? It’s a idea eve though it may not be the greatest
Be responsible
Always learning on the job
Be adaptable
Learn continuously
Eve if it’s readig a book fro the library
Work safely
o Teamwork
Work with others
Participate in projects and tasks
Effective communication strategies
o Listening
o Reading
Reading information and what do you do with it?
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Document Summary

Lecture 2: employers expect entry-level employees to: Did you give them all the data necessary or force them to want more: comprehensive, style, organization and visual impact of the message- organized neatly, not just writing words, but also for appearance and aesthetics. Introvert (get energy from within: how one gathers information, sensing vs intuition, sensing- gathers information systematically. Informational messages: focus on content- the problem, or challenge, data, and possible solutions, procedural messages, focus on method, process, who will do what, how decisions will be made, and so on. Informational leaders: generate and evaluate ideas and text. We are most happy to enclose a photo of the laptop/tablet/smart phone that we recently sold you or appraised for you. We feel that this added service, which we are happy to extend to our fine customers, will be useful should you want to ensure your laptop/tablet/smartphone. We trust you will enjoy this additional service.

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