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1) The isomerization reaction shown below follows first order kinetics at 500 K.
a) Use the rate constant you determined in example 3 on page 4 to determine the half life of this reaction.
b) Use the half life you just determined to predit how long it will take for the concentration of to reach 25% of its original value?
c) Compare the answer you got here to the one you got in example 3 and discuss whether the two answers are in agreement. Explain why the answers are/are not in agreement.
Compare the two methods and determine under what circumstances you can use which method.
2) The radioactive decay of 14C is a first order process with a half life of 5730 years. If the living wood gives 15.3 disintegrations per minute per gram, and a wooden bowl found in an archeological dig gives 6.29 disintegrations per minute per gram, how old is the bowl?
3) Ba-141 has a half life of 18.26 minutes and decays by first order kinetics. How many half lives will it take for a mole of Ba-141 to decay down to one atom?
4) 1-131 decays by first order kinetics. What will be the concentration of J-131 after 65 half lives if you start with a 2.57 x grams of I-131.


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