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Answer: 94Step-by-step explanation: By BODMAS rule, 8*5-4*6+76 = 40 - 24 + 78 ...
Answer: 23Step-by-step explanation: By BODMAS rule, 4+2+5+2*6 = 4+2+5+12 =23
Answer: Zambezi river in South Africa.Step-by-step explanation Victoria Falls ...
Answer: tan x + cot x = sec x csc xStep-by-step explanation:LHS = tan x + cot ...
Answer: y^2 = 32x or y = 4√2 xStep-by-step explanation:x = T^2 / 2 y = - 4T; -...
Answer: dy/dx = -5/2Step-by-step explanation: Given y = 5x + 3y y - 3y = 5x -2...
Answer: 2(tan x - cot x) / tan^2 x - cot^2 x = sin 2xStep-by-step explanation:...
Answer: 98Step-by-step explanation: By using Bodmas rule 7 × 5 + 7 × 9 35 + 63...
Answer: x =5/4 or 1.25Step-by-step explanation: x + 15 = 5x + 10 15 - 10 = 5x ...
Answer: 794Step-by-step explanation: 45 × 13 + 3 + 6 By bodmas rule, Bodmas ru...
Answer: x = 5Step-by-step explanation:x + 5 = 10 x = 10 - 5 x = 5
Answer: x = 3,2Step-by-step explanation:x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0 x^2 -3x - 2x + 6 = 0 ...
Answer: 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12Step-by-step explanation:Unit fraction...
Answer: 7/20Step-by-step explanation:35 as a fraction is 35% Then 35% 35/100 7...
Answer: X=6,-5Step-by-step explanation:Given x^•• - x^• -30=0 • is 1 and •• is...
Answer: F=120Step-by-step explanation:Given f directly proportional to m and i...
Answer: 80Step-by-step explanation:Given, f directly proportional to m and inv...
Answer: C)21Step-by-step explanation:Replace n with 4(4+3)!/(4+1)!(4-2)! 7!/5!...

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