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Answer:The diatomic molecule molecular oxygen (O2) is made up of two oxygen at...
Answer: Photoreceptor cells, which come in two types: rods and cones, are the ...
Answer: Aluminum oxide is made up of linked aluminum and oxygen atoms.... stru...
Answer: The most common method of purifying nonvolatile organic materials is r...
Answer:A polymerisation or polycondensation process is used to make plastics f...
Answer: The nucleus directs and regulates the cell's functions (such as develo...
Answer:Negative ions are formed by nonmetals (anions). To have the same amount...
Answer:The mitochondria, Step-by-step explanation:also known as the "powerhous...
Answer: The malleus, incus, and first part of the stapes, often known as the t...
Answer:Biology is described as the science of life and living beings, and is d...
Answer:Photosynthesis is the process through which plants convert sunlight, wa...
Answer:Heat is the energy that is transferred from one body to another as a re...
Answer:the same number of protons and electrons, Step-by-step explanation: Bec...
Answer:As temperatures decrease and items cool, dew is more likely to occur at...
Answer:CO2 contributes to climate change, which poses a serious threat to huma...
Answer:Matter is defined as anything that has mass and fills space. All physic...
Answer:Fog is a visible aerosol made up of microscopic water droplets or ice c...
Answer: More precipitation. As a result, wetness will increase and orographic ...
Answer:Cheetahs an area unit the world's the quickest animal, capable of reach...
Answer: The social science imagination permits us to know history and chronicl...
Answer:The purpose of the Patient Self-Determination Act was is to tell patien...
Answer: Yes, and I have noticed attitude of person is the same even if we have...
Answer: The Animal cell is in an isosmotic solution, and therefore the plant c...
Answer: Planar cell polarity (PCP) may be a polarity axis that organizes cells...
Answer: Promote your values and lead by example. Most organizations have an in...
Answer: They speedily break down at surface temperatures and pressures. this i...
Answer: Pharmacokinetics is presently outlined because the study of the time c...
Answer: Breathing ethyl ether will irritate the nose and throat. * respiratory...
Answer:the branch of pharmacological medicine involved with the results of med...
Answer: Serve as the genetic code of life Step-by-step explanation:DNA is said...
Answer:cell theory could be a theory 1st developed within the mid-nineteenth c...
Answer: Tissue is a group of cell that found to our body, to animal and plants...

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