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Correlation Between Human Body And Mind

Each affects the other, but it's much more complicated, above and below.

We tend to think of physical health as the physical fitness of the body. Physical health begins with genetics and nutrition, which feed the health of your cells and tissues, which create the health of your bodily organs, including your brain, and your bodily systems, including the sensory and another system of your body and brain.

Above the level of the physical brain, we have the mind, the 'thinking part' of the brain, and the thought patterns we encourage and discourage in our day-to-day living. The mind and the brain also give rise to your spirits, happy, sad, excited, elated, depressed, etc. And your mind interacts with other people around you, in your communities. This illustrates the hierarchy of life, and the hierarchy of healthcare: genetics, nutrients, cells, tissues organs, bodily systems, body, minds, spirits, and communities.

Every layer affects every other layer. You can eat foods that depress or excite your spirits. Some people are genetically happy most of the time. Others are genetically more somber. If your communities, the people you spend your time with are innovative, adventurous, you will become more innovative and adventurous, perhaps more risk-taking. If your community is more caring and sharing, your mental health will be more aligned to caring and sharing. If your brain loses oxytocin, due to a systemic or dietary problem, or a hereditary factor, you will be less sharing and caring.

So, When you improve your physical health, you tend to improve every layer in the hierarchy. And when you improve any layer in the hierarchy, you improve your mental health. If you improve your physical health, by working with your communities, there are more benefits. If you improve your physical health by eating a better diet, there are more benefits.

If you or your family member is suffering from a disease, you should get a medical bracelets. If they will be wearing a medical bracelet you will have peace of mind and will be able to focus on your work. In case of any medical emergency, it will alert the relevant team and share all the details regarding medical history. You can mention your contact number as an emergency contact number, so if anything happens they will contact you immediately.

An example of physical health impacts mental health is this that when we eat more junk food we tend to feel unnecessarily bored. Our mood changed frequently. We feel down. And when you do proper exercise and have good food you feel so much energy throughout the day.

So this is how physical and mental health is interrelated. So you should learn from your own experiences. When you do certain things you will get certain types of results, so accordingly change the cause if you don’t like the result.

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Answer: The correlation between body and mind can be traced back to the sevent...

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