


Technological Institute of the Philippines

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Answer: b. Step-by-step explanation:divide both sides of the equation for pi*r...
Answer: BStep-by-step explanation: y = 3x + 25 where: 25 = represents the pric...
Answer: The answer is Figure 1Step-by-step explanation: You need to calculate ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: a. since angle BED and BFD are equal 90 degr...
Answer: y' = 0.05979Step-by-step explanation: y = ln(x^2+y^2) e^y = e^(ln(x^2+...
Answer: The acceleration of an object moving in a circular motion.
Answer: $2487.98 Step-by-step explanation: Use the formula for compound intere...
Answer: b. oculus
Answer: Revit Architectural Step-by-step explanation: This software is widely ...
Answer: 700 NStep-by-step explanation: Free falling due to weigh is 800N going...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: We cannot divide two vectors. The term is wr...
Answer: 4 dollars/book Step-by-step explanation: rate = cost/number of books r...
Answer: b. 10 2/3 items Step-by-step explanation: Get the rate joshira makes a...
Answer: 5/6 of the testStep-by-step explanation: Get the rate of work first. S...
Answer: (x+10)^2+(y-1)^2=761 Step-by-step explanation: The standard form equat...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: Using cosine law, you can get the side oppos...
Answer: after 3 hours from the time they first leave the same shoreStep-by-ste...
Answer: Vf = 5.774 m/s (final velocity)Step-by-step explanation: The formula f...
Answer: Radius of the circular faceStep-by-step explanation: the volume of cyl...
Answer: 23.23 atmStep-by-step explanation: It says volume, V varies directly t...
Answer: This is not an equation of a circle (or conic section) Step-by-step ex...
Answer: Quadrant IStep-by-step explanation: Below are the naming and location ...
Answer: a. 0.96 b. -0.28 c.-3.429Step-by-step explanation: Solve first the var...
Answer: its a greek uppercase letterStep-by-step explanation:this letter may r...
Answer: the magnitude of Vector A and Vector B are less than the magnitude of ...
Answer: 14Step-by-step explanation: f(x)= -4(-4)-2 =14
Answer: 210 minutesStep-by-step explanation: We have 1 hour = 60 minutes, Thus...

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