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English4Science7Prealgebra9Nursing7Information Technology3Algebra24Biology1Mathematics1Physics2Finance1Chemistry6
Answer: Due to scattering of lightStep-by-step explanation:Scattering of light...
Answer: RotationStep-by-step explanation:The reason behind sunrise in the east...
Answer: First of all, lets understand what is photosynthesis all about.Step-by...
Answer: Please refer to the below section for a detailed answer.Step-by-step e...
Answer: TelephoneStep-by-step explanation:Telephone is the fastest means of co...
Answer: Please refer to the below section for a detailed answer.Step-by-step e...
Answer: Please refer to the explanation Step-by-step explanation:Moon doesn't ...
Answer: The answer is 5.03 mbar.Step-by-step explanation: Molar volume for gas...
Answer: Please refer to the detailed answer below.Step-by-step explanation:Pyt...
Answer: x = 5Step-by-step explanation:The requirement here is to find the valu...
Answer: 96Step-by-step explanation: The given equation is d+2=98 Taking 2 on t...
Answer: P1V1 = P2V2Step-by-step explanation:This gas law states that the press...
Answer: Fe2O3 Step-by-step explanation:The chemical formula for rust is Fe2O3 ...
Answer: Pump blood through the bodyStep-by-step explanation: Heart is a major ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:1. "0.8" was replaced by "(8/10)". 2. Rearran...
Answer: The answer is landscapeStep-by-step explanation:The default layout in ...
Answer: Answer to this question is Alphabet.Step-by-step explanation:The paren...
Answer: The value of x is 2 and 3Step-by-step explanation:The given equation i...
Answer: The correct answer is 16.Step-by-step explanation:2 to the power can a...
Answer: The correct answer is 120Step-by-step explanation:10% of 240 = 20% of x
Answer: The correct answer is 240Step-by-step explanation:30% of 800 is writte...
Answer: The answer is Step-by-step explanation:Given equation is Taking variab...
Answer: The answer is 3.Step-by-step explanation:x+12=15 Taking 12 on the RHS,...
Answer: The correct answer is Step-by-step explanation: Taking 13 on RHS, we g...
Answer: Refer to the below section for an explanation on acids.Step-by-step ex...
Answer: The correct answer is option C that is centrifugationStep-by-step expl...
Answer: The answer is option B that is equator Step-by-step explanation:Equato...
Answer: The final equation is Step-by-step explanation:Given equation in the q...
Answer: The length is 26 metres long and width is 24 metres.Step-by-step expla...
Answer: Length = 12 ft Breadth= 3.5 ft Step-by-step explanation:Area of a rect...
Answer: Length =6 yd Width= 3.5 ydStep-by-step explanation: Substituting the v...
Answer: The balanced equation is Step-by-step explanation:Let's understand in ...
Answer: Width of the rectangle is 6 inchStep-by-step explanation: Substituting...
Answer: l= 18ft and b= 5.5 ftStep-by-step explanation:Area of a rectangle = l*...
Answer: The width of the rectangle is 4 inchStep-by-step explanation: Substitu...
Answer: Length of the rectangle = 8 feetStep-by-step explanation:Perimeter of ...
Answer: The perimeter of the rectangle is 24 cmStep-by-step explanation:Let th...
Answer: x= -11 and y= -7Step-by-step explanation:Let the first number be x and...
Answer: x=5 and y= 10Step-by-step explanation:Let the first number be x and se...
Answer: x = 11 and y = 12 Step-by-step explanation:Let the first number be x a...

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