12 Dec 2019

Not all the bond vibrations of carbon dioxide result in the absorption and emission of infrared radiation because ________

the molecule is not polar.
the molecule possesses a permanent dipole moment.
only some of the vibrations produce a transient dipole moment.
there are no hydrogen atoms in carbon dioxide.

the molecule is linear.

Which statement below regarding vibrating bonds and the greenhouse effect is FALSE?

Infrared radiation can interact with vibrating covalent bonds
The strengths of tiny electric fields produced by the partial separation of charge in bonds fluctuate at the same frequencies as the bond vibrations.
Infrared radiation absorbed and re-emitted by molecules can be reradiated toward Earth.
Bond vibrations in which the fluctuating fields cancel each other out are not infrared active.
CO2 is the only atmospheric molecule that interacts with infrared radiation.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
13 Dec 2019
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