23 Nov 2019

True or False.
1. Activated Gαs interact with PLC-beta to producephosphatidylinosital 3,4, 5- triphosphate and diacylglycerol.

2. EGF is an example of hormone

3. Ras is an example of the heterotrimeric G protein

4. All members of the G protein coupled receptors have a kinasedomain in the cytoplasmic tall domain.

5. Wnt is an example of the ligand for the RPTK family.

6. GEF activates GPCR receptors.

7. PH domain containing proteins bind to an activated PDGFR.

8. Ligands for GPCR proteins induce dimerization of thereceptor.

9. Grb2 is an adaptor protein that binds to a phospho-tyrosineresidue of an activated PDGFR through a SH3 domain.

10. When a cell has a dominant negative Ras mutation, anintroduction of a constituitively active RPTK mutant will allow Rassignaling.

11. PLC will generate IP3 and DAG from PIP3.

12. Calcium inhibits PKC.

13. cAMP activates PKA.

14. Delta binds to Patched.

15. TGFβ signal stabilizes beta catenin transcriptionfactor.

16. The Notch tail can function as a transcription factor.

17. Wnt signaling destabilizes β-catenin through GSK3 mediatedphosphorylation.

18. Pertussis toxin modifies Gαi protein.

19. MAP kinase activates MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK).

20. cAMP is an example of a second messenger.

21. Adherence junction is enriched with intermediatefilaments.

22. Intermediate filaments are permanent structures that cannotbe dissessembled in any case.

23. Plectin cross links only the intermediate filaments.

24. β- tubulin has an ATPase activity.

25. ARP2/3 is the nucleating protein for the 70 degree branchedmicrotubule structures.

26. Formin is the nucleating protein for the branchedfilamentous actin structures.

27. Thymosin binds to a tubulin dimer, and prevents its additionto the plus end.

28. EB1 binds to the minus end of the microtubule.

29. Microtubules can be severed in the middle by severeingproteins such as Gelsolin.

30. A moleculor motore Dynein moves to the positive end of themicrotubule.

31. Actin has a GTPase activity.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
17 Jun 2019
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