16 May 2022
if u + w - V + w, then u - V. Put 10 of the following sentence fragments in order to form a logically correct proof of the theorem. There is only one correct answer, so be sure not to skip any steps Choose from these Proof of the theorem Multiplying both sides of the equation by -1, we have Assume uv. Adding w to both sides of the equation, we have Let u, v, and w be arbitrary vectors in V. Adding-w to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A2) (the associative law) to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A3) (the additive unit law) to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A4) (the law of additive inverses) to both sides of the equation, we havee Applying axiom (A1) (the commutative law) to both sides of the equation, we have u +0 v+0.
if u + w - V + w, then u - V. Put 10 of the following sentence fragments in order to form a logically correct proof of the theorem. There is only one correct answer, so be sure not to skip any steps Choose from these Proof of the theorem Multiplying both sides of the equation by -1, we have Assume uv. Adding w to both sides of the equation, we have Let u, v, and w be arbitrary vectors in V. Adding-w to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A2) (the associative law) to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A3) (the additive unit law) to both sides of the equation, we have Applying axiom (A4) (the law of additive inverses) to both sides of the equation, we havee Applying axiom (A1) (the commutative law) to both sides of the equation, we have u +0 v+0.
Read by 1 person
17 May 2022
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