Homework Help for Nursing

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A subset within healthcare, nursing focuses on caring for individuals, families, and communities. Nursing provides practical experience in human anatomy and physiology, as well as clinical practice

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in Nursing·
13 Jun 2021

1. The nurse working in a long-term care facility incorporates a focused assessment of
the immune system for all newly admitted patients over the age of 65. Older adults

are more likely to develop problems related to immune function than are middle-
aged people. The focused immune assessment includes a systemic approach based

on age-related changes in immunologic function. (Learning Objective 4)
a. What changes in the immune system in the older adult increase the incidence of
infection and cancer in this population?
b. Explain why older adults may have decreased inflammatory responses.
c. Why are older adults at increased risk of gastroenteritis and diarrhea secondary
to proliferation of intestinal organisms?

2. The nurse educator for an oncology unit is preparing an in-service presentation for
new nurses about the care of patients with immunodeficiencies. Patients with cancer
who are receiving chemotherapy, as well as those with bone marrow transplants, are
immunocompromised and require special attention to assess for signs of infection.
The nurse educator focuses on special care needs of this patient population.
a. What is the rationale for assessing the pulse and respiratory rates for 1 full
minute in a patient with immunodeficiency?
b. What special precautions about dietary restrictions and food preparation should
be included in the teaching for a patient with immunodeficiency?
c. What nursing actions should be implemented to decrease the risk of infection in
the patient with immunodeficiency?
3. Molly Baker, a 22-year-old patient, presents to the clinic with the diagnosis of
allergic rhinitis. She states that she develops paroxysmal sneezing, clear nasal
drainage and congestion, watery, red eyes, and nasal itching from the late spring
until the first frost in the fall. She states that she has a dry cough and voice
hoarseness. She complains of feeling extremely tired, unable to sleep at night, and
having difficulty concentrating on her collegiate course work.
a. What further assessment should the nurse provide?

  1. Ellie Long, a 55-year-old patient, presents to the pain clinic with the diagnosis of
    fibromyalgia syndrome. The nurse at the clinic obtains a history and physical
    assessment of the patient. (Learning Objective 2)
    a. On what areas should the nurse concentrate when interviewing the patient
    during the history process?
    b. On what areas should the nurse concentrate when assessing the patient?
    c. What diagnostic tests are used with fibromyalgia syndrome?
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viridiankangaroo528 asked for the first time
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yellowalligator756 asked for the first time
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azurefly90 asked for the first time
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rubylouse218 asked for the first time

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