BUAD 304 Study Guide - Final Guide: Formal Group, Common Purpose, Problem Solving

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17 Nov 2022

Document Summary

Organizat iona l behav ior and leadership (buad 304) 5: socialize and train new comers ii. Group role: a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole: task roles, enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose, keep the group on track. 0: the group development process, tuckman"s five-stage model of group development, forming, team members come together for the first time. There is a lot of uncertainty about the team"s purpose, structure, and leadership: storming. Intragroup conflict emerges as some team members jockey for status. There is still no formal team structure: norming, close relationships and cohesiveness develop. Group structure solidifies: performing, group structure is fully functional and accepted. Group energy moves to performing the task: adjourning, preparation for disbanding. Wrapping up activities. vi: punctuated equilibrium, groups establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives.