CLCV 115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Gallows, Iphicles, Plautus

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When, approximately, did he live? (you will have to look this up. ) Jupiter is pretending to be amphitryon: match the following columns: Sosia because he was trying to get inside the house. Also, because he thought the gods resembled him. I"ll entertain you: i"ll teach you to be civil. A bowl that king pterelas would drink from. Jove/jupiter comes and tells them that he had slept with alcmena. They are all okay with it and it"s a happy ending. He lists all of the women that he has slept with and the children he has had with them. The argives get a little moment of glory/help from poseidon in the battle while zeus sleeps. Identify the speaker for each quotation: we"ll mix it up, half tragic and half comic. Straight comedy can"t deal with kings and gods mercury talking to audience. Let"s call it, as i said, a tragicomedy: as i have said before, my father"s in there,

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