KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Atorvastatin, Sulfonylurea, Hydrochlorothiazide

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Advanced diabetes workshop pre-workshop submission (2% of 5% workshop grade) Drug therapy problems to be resolved: (2 marks) Patient is at risk of complications from ongoing symptomatic hyperglycemia and requires initiation of an additional therapy. Patient is a type 2 diabetic with symptomatic hypoglycemia and a1c greater than 1. 5% above target. Thus, initiation of an insulin therapy is necessary. In type 2 diabetics that were unable to achieve glycemic control with non-insulin antihyperglycemic, basal insulin is indicated over premixed insulin and bolus (prandial) insulin. Premixed insulins are fixed formulations which cannot be tailored to achieve a desired fasting plasma glucose. Basal insulins regulate blood glucose levels throughout the day and helps maintain glycemic control during a fasted state. All basal insulins have the potential to reduce a1c to a certain target value if dosed and titrated correctly. Although long-acting insulin analogues (laias) are expensive, they are preferred over intermediate-acting insulin (nph).

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