BU547 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Purchase Order
Document Summary
Purchase order: purchase requisition who needs something, to request the goods that you need, sometimes there is an ordering limit, it is done by the user the person who will need the goods. You would need approval, if you are going above your limit. Invoice now an invoice will be received to make sure the product is given and now someone needs to pay for it. Weakness #1: numbering of purchase requisitions: weakness identification: copy a case fact stating the weakness, purchase requisitions are numbered by the purchasing clerk as they are filled out. Implication: why is this a weakness: be(cid:272)ause the pr"s a(cid:396)e (cid:374)ot p(cid:396)e-numbered the clerk could assign the same two purchase orders or skip a number. If it manual do a blog test and look at a sample. Weakness #2: authorization of pr"s: weakness: the purchasing request authorizing signatures are not confirmed by the purchasing clerk.