SOC232H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: White Privilege, Race Matters, Intersectionality

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5 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Lecture 6: myrdal, the negro problem as a moral issue pp. Is canada really diverse (not only in terms of seeing different coloured people): why do we need we day, dubois, black reconstruction and the racial wage pp. 183-186: the whites and blacks are treated differently, even in lower class, whites have social status. The whites are kept in place because they"re worried the blacks will take their jobs: think in terms of many dimensions together, such as gender and race, thomas & znaniecki, disorganization of the polish peasant pp. 190-194: european immigrants are the new groups, push and pull factors, polish immigrant murders landlord. He has no support from his family (they"re too scattered to provide him refuge or security) or from the community. He did what was right, disregarding social context (revenge may be prevalent back home but not here). Immigrants are disorganized in a new place, no cultural orientation.

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