BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Hagfish, Damselfly, Botfly

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5 Feb 2015

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Predators: kill their prey: most mammals species are insectivorous (eat insects), for example rodents, bats and shrews. Most mammals have teeth which are adapted to what they eat (canines to slice meat and molars to chew plant material), and their teeth can tell us about what trophic position they belong to. Mammalian predators include whales, weasels and wild dogs: most reptile and amphibians are predators. For example crocodiles, frogs, salamanders, monitor lizard and snakes. Their early ancestors were predators and they"re exothermic: less than 1% of all plants are predatory. Those that are live in nutrient poor environments such as bogs which have poor soil quality, and need to get their nutrients from what they eat instead. Examples of plant predators are pitcher plants, venus fly trap, sundews and bladderworts: arthropods have jointed legs and exoskeletons. They"re the most diverse group of animals in the world.