BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Insular Biogeography, Urban Sprawl, Free Range
Document Summary
Why would conservation groups file a petition against a fence along the u. s. mexico border: policy; financial aspects; etc; In 2008, conservation groups against the fence for ecological reasons. Lower trophic level organisms requires less energy than higher tropic levels because energy level is lost for every single lower step of the trophic level. The hunting methods of carnivores requires more energy and so in the end, they still need more resources. How to protect jaguars: population size is uncertain, but most likely small, options for protection: Elimination of barriers such fences, roads, urban sprawl. Increase of human population which needs living spaces. Hard to find enough space for jaguars. They may not go by this name, but still serve this function. Deer may walk along the river coastline. River valley, parks, lake shore: how effective are corridors, the experimental setup. See how much animals are using the corridors. Animals: find food, mating partners, nest sites, other types of resources.