PSY 1101 Lecture 8: End of Chapter 2 Start of Chapter 6 lecture notes

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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This week"s readings: finishing up chapter 2 & starting chapter 6. It connects the body to the central nervous system & the central nervous system the the body. It consists of 2 main divisions that each have 2 subsections: (1) somatic (2) autonomic. What are the two sections under autonomic? (1) sympathetic arouses (linked with ght or ight response) (2) parasympathetic calms body down. What"s the endocrine system? a communication network consisting of glands releasing hormones in to the bloodstream instead of neurons. They deliver messages to the body and the brain. There are 3 types: (1) homeostasis ex: insulin (2) reproductive hormones ex: the reason why men grow beards and women don"t. (3) stress hormones ex: adrenaline. What"s the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine. The hormones (from the endocrine system) will have an influence on the nervous system and the brain. The big boy gland is the pituitary gland.

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