PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Fusiform Face Area, Prosopagnosia

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PSYC 102 Full Course Notes
PSYC 102 Full Course Notes
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Discrete emotion theory there is a specified number of basic/primary emotions that is identical for all of us, each associated with specific biological and evolutionary functions. Six basic emotions happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and. Fusiform face area (ffa)- a dedicated brain area that processes and distinguishes faces and facial expressions. Prosopagnosia a neurological problem (usually from the ffa) leading to face blindness: the inability to recognize or properly perceive faces. External role: communicate to other people what we are feeling. Internal role: they help us feel and regulate emotions. Facial feedback theory emotional expressions can reinforce or even cause the emotions we are feeling. Facilitating approach/avoidance emotional expressions also help us deal with the emotion or the external stimulus that generated it. Micro-expressions small, barely visible facial and body expressions, that characteristically emerge during lying. Muscles only some of our facial muscles are under conscious control, meaning that faked emotions can sometimes be detected.

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