PTHER524 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, Executive Functions, Frontal Lobe

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Stroke: leading cause of disability in western cultures, 50 000 new strokes each year in canada; What is lost: brain tissue, communication (aphasia, cognition, swallowing (dysphagia, sexual function, motor function. What does this mean: stroke patients and families rarely define their loss in terms of body structure/function, but in everyday activities they are no longer able to do. Think, pair, share identity: many people define themselves by what they do. Athlete, breadwinner, traveler: i"m more dependent on than being depended on. 50 yr old stroke survivor: a stroke is a small death. It comes on suddenly, often hitting someone who is quite well for his age, and leads to obvious physical loss. The victim is rendered helpless at a stroke , and is robbed of his dignity and independence. Loss and grief: loss: when you no longer have something or have less of something, loss .

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