EDPS410 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Parens Patriae
Document Summary
In 1867, at the time of confederation, provinces were given the right and responsibility to establish and fund their own education systems (bna). Alberta teachers" association has dual roles: it is both the professional body and. School boards create their own bylaws and policies. First nations, inuit, metis lands are considered federal and do not fall under. A past historical doctrine was: in loco parentis. Post-1960, teachers also have the legal role of: parens patriae. Consequentialist theories: judges the rightness or wrongness of an action based on the consequences that action has non-consequentialist theories: judges the rightness or wrongness of an action based on properties intrinsic to the action, not on its consequence. Avoid controversy topic at the classroom if possible. If student came to you with serious problem like pregnant, then sent her to the councilor who"s got the license instead of dealing it by your own. Negligence in schools: duty of care, supervision, field trips, liability.